Educational Agenda

Education is a key element of the CARDI agenda. CARDI faculty are actively involved in graduate and undergraduate education at CSM. The incorporation of our most recent research agenda results into our course material helps to create up-to-date, vital courses.

Educational Activities

Promote undergraduate and graduate research in CARDI projects

The center promotes undergraduate and graduate research in CARDI projects, by publicizing the research of members, organizing an annual Research Fair, and directly hiring undergraduate and graduate students.

Undergraduate minor in robotics, automation, and distributed intelligence

In 1989, the curriculum committee approved two interdisciplinary minors, one in robotics and the other in robotics and artificial intelligence. The required courses are primarily a combination of EE, ME, and CS courses. The minors are still on the books, but need to be updated.

We believe that offering minors is important to foster the interest and learning of students at CSM who are interested in CARDI topics. We recognize that students will want to take courses from different departments and specialties in order to promote their learning in this important area.

Colorado School of Mines